
Showing posts from September, 2018

Wash And Go

Hey Sistas, a wash and go is my go to hair style. It is super simple in the summer; especially for me I just wash my hair and go. The name tells it all; basically you wash your hair and go on with your day. Although, a wash and go is simple for me it is a harder for others especially trying to find the right products. A lot of products are not needed for a wash and go but you still have to attempt to add in something that will give your natural hair some shine and moisture. Here are the steps to achieve a  successful wash and go.  1.       First Co-wash your hair with a conditioner ( OGX Biotin & Collagen). Washing helps get rid of all the product build up. Using conditioner to co-wash helps moisturize your hair. Shampoo strips your hair of its moisture that is why it is importation to co-wash with conditioner.  2.       While I’m co-washing my hair I part my hair into section and detangle my hair with a wide tooth comb. A wide tooth comb really separates the h

Big-Chop Turn Signature Look

Hey Sistas, so many natural girls did the big- chop to start on their natural hair journey. Although, I did not do the big -chop I transitioned, many girls feel like the big- chop is easier than waiting until all the relaxer is fully gone. The big -chop is a big step. Many girls feel that they are defined by their hair and without it they will not feel as feminine. Meet Sydney Henderson she did the big- chop and never looked back! Sydney did the big -chop in the beginning of 2018. Sydney felt it was time for a change and doing the big- chop would help. Sydney said it took her some time to get adjusted to her super low cut, but it helped her embrace her natural beauty and confidence. The big -chop is super easy for Sydney to manage especially by her being student- athlete, running track. Sydney said sometime she does have the urge to want to grow her hair back but the low cut is her signature style now. When Sydney first got the big-shop she had hair withdrawals and wanted to grow


Hey Sistas, so many of us did the big chop and many of us transition to natural hair. I transitioned and it was ugly. I knew transitioning would not be easy and I would be tempted, but no one told me it was going to be that hard.  I first tried going natural in January of 2015 but it was a fail. I threw a relaxer right in my head because I hated the way my hair looked; it was stringy and thin. I was trying to grow my hair back but it was at an awkward length and it just wasn’t growing fast enough. Prom came around in April of 2015 and I got a sew- in weave and relaxer so my leave-out would blend with my weave. I told myself after getting that sew-in for prom that I was never getting a relaxer again. I stuck to it and now I have been fully natural for 2 years.  Transitioning was hard for me because I just did not know what to do with my real hair; so I decided to wear weave until I was comfortable with my natural hair. The thing about transitioning is you have to constantly g

The L.O.C Method

 Hey Sistas, today I’m going to give you a step by step on The LOC Method. The LOC Method helps moisturize your hair and leaves your hair looking healthy. LOC stands for Liquid, Oil, and Cream. The liquid should either be water or a water based leave in. The oil can be any oil of your choice. The oil is used to LOC in the moisture and it leaves your hair looking shiny. My favorite oil is olive oil and coconut oil. The cream is any creamy moisture. The cream is normally applied last it prevents the hair from losing any moisture. The LOC methods will increase growth and help prevent breakage to your hair. Here are the steps that my model used to achieve her LOC method look. 1.     First she co-washed her hair. Co-washing is only using conditioner to wash your hair. Many researchers have found it is better to co-wash than to wash with shampoo. Shampoo strips your hair of all its moisture and leaves you hair dry and brittle. She than detangled her hair with a detangling brush in th

My Natural Hair is Acceptable

Hey Sistas, many of us work and have professional jobs and have a specific look to uphold. Many jobs require you to look a certain way, dress a certain way, and act a certain way. Not only is this required in the work place also in school systems. Many places see natural hair and protective natural styles as unprofessional. It is seen as unprofessional because it’s not the silky and straight hair that Americans have forced us to believe is acceptable. America has made us believe that it’s not acceptable to wear you natural hair in the work place or in school. America doesn’t see dreadlocks, afros, or braids as professional.   Sometimes, If you wear weave and it is too long and not shoulder length they view that as ghetto and unprofessional as well. It’s almost like we can’t get a break unless we change who we are and alter our hair. In many cases people are not hired at jobs because of the way they look; they could have all the qualifications but because their hair isn’t worn

Straighten Me PLEASE !!

Hey sistas, so we all want to straighten our hair out from time to time just to see how long our hair has grown. Shrinkage has my hair looking so short when in actuality it is pretty long.  I straighten my hair once a year; preferably in the winter to see how much it has grown. The fall and winter time are the best times to straighten your hair simply because you don’t have to deal with heat, sweat, and humidity. I live in Alabama where it is always super-hot and humid. It is hard trying to maintain a blow -out in the summer or spring. It is also hard for me to maintain a blowout for a long period of time because I work out a lot and the sweat makes my hair puff right back out. I prefer to only blowout my hair once a year because I don’t want to damage my natural hair. Although, I am still natural with a blowout I have put heat to my head and altered the curl pattern of my hair.  Here are some tips   to keep in mind if you are thinking about straightening or altering your natural curl

Protective Hairstyle - Braids

Hey Sistas, so we have those days when we just don’t know what to do with our hair. It's Terrible! A great thing about being natural is there are so many protective hairstyles to wear so your hair won't get damaged and it's easy to manage. One of my favorite protective hairstyles is braids. It super simple and there are many ways you can braid your hair. You can wear box braids, scalp braids, crochet braids, double halo braids etc. Braids are worn by many cultures around the world. Braids in some countries can be related to status, age, and wealth. In America, braids are worn by just about anyone but were made popular by African American women. Braids help with growing your hair and keeping your hair healthy. Here are some of my favorite braiding styles. 1. Box Braids- Box Braids are super cute and fun. You can wear them down, in a bun, or do the half up – half down method. Box braids are easy to manage. Braid spray and oil is crucial when having braids of any kind. Bra