My Natural Hair is Acceptable

Hey Sistas, many of us work and have professional jobs and have a specific look to uphold. Many jobs require you to look a certain way, dress a certain way, and act a certain way. Not only is this required in the work place also in school systems.

Many places see natural hair and protective natural styles as unprofessional. It is seen as unprofessional because it’s not the silky and straight hair that Americans have forced us to believe is acceptable. America has made us believe that it’s not acceptable to wear you natural hair in the work place or in school. America doesn’t see dreadlocks, afros, or braids as professional.  

Sometimes, If you wear weave and it is too long and not shoulder length they view that as ghetto and unprofessional as well. It’s almost like we can’t get a break unless we change who we are and alter our hair. In many cases people are not hired at jobs because of the way they look; they could have all the qualifications but because their hair isn’t worn a certain way they want get hired.

 In many news stories recently kids have been sent home for wearing their hair in braids or in dreadlocks. The school systems view natural hair and protective hairstyles as a distraction. These kids are going to school to get an education and to be sent home over something as simple as hair is absolutely ridiculous.

Natural hair is slowly starting to become acceptable in the media. Many reporters and journalists are starting to wear their natural curls more and more on television. Many celebrities are also starting to embrace natural hair.

“Black Panther,” is the highest grossing super hero film of all time and this movie included women rocking their natural hair many of the women were even bald. This goes to show that beauty is more than hair. Many magazines have been exposed for photoshopping pictures of natural hair women and adding hair to their head to give an illusion that they have longer hair.

It is important that we continue to rock our natural hair in the work place, in the media, and in schools. Young girls need to see women that look like them and that have the same hair as them. Be bold and keep rocking your natural, Sistas.


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