Super Foods For Healthy Hair

We all love food and food is very important when it comes to your health. We may not realize it but a lot of what we eat can affect the healthiness of our hair. Apart of being healthy is having a healthy diet and lifestyle. It can be hard to be healthy between school, extracurricular activities, and work. I am all about being healthy physically, mentally, and emotionally. Being healthy is more than just working out and eating healthy; you also have to think about your mental health. If you are stressed out a lot that can lead to hair loss or thinning of the hair. Super-foods can help with the healthiness of your hair, and your overall health.

1). Fish- Fish is a super-food; especially Salmon. Salmon has a lot of omega3- fatty acids which help with hair growth. Fish contains Vitamin D and protein which are not only good for hair growth and keeping your scalp healthy but are also good for you overall health. Vitamin D helps with strengthening your bones and teeth. Fish Oil supplements are also recommended.

2). Berries- Berries of any kind are very helpful when it comes to your hair; Strawberries, Blueberries, and Blackberries just to name a few are full of vitamins that stimulate hair growth. Berries are loaded with antioxidants and Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps protect against heart disease and high cholesterol.

3). Nuts- Nuts such as Almonds also promote hair growth. Almonds provide Vitamin E, fatty acids and zinc; which help with hair growth. Almonds also have a great source of magnesium helps with hair, skin, and nail growth. Vitamin E also helps stop split ends, and promote silky smooth hair.

4). Sweet Potatoes- White potatoes are not so healthy for you considering the fact they are a starch and turn into sugar once they enter the body. Sweet Potatoes are super healthy. Sweet potatoes have Vitamin A; which is important for hair growth and help with maintaining a strong immune system. Sweet potatoes are also a good source of beta-carotene.

All of these super-foods help with not only our hair but also your overall body. It is hard to be healthy all the time; but by incorporating some of these foods in your diet it will help you live a longer and healthier lifestyle.


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