Q&A on Protective Hairstyles in College

Hey Sistas, many girls in college are natural and love their natural hair, but it can definitely be a hassle. There are those day where you just really don’t know what to do with your hair. Many college girls choose to wear protective hairstyles such as; braids, weave, wigs and twist.  Between classes, homework, work, and extra-curricular activities protective hairstyles are easier to maintain. I sat down with Dana Mitchell to talk about her natural hair journey and protective hairstyles.

Q: When did you become natural?

A: I became natural around 2015. I was tired of my relaxed hair and it was not growing how I wanted it.

Q: How has your natural hair journey been?

A: My natural hair journey has been great!  I will say going natural was the best thing I could have done. My hair has grown way longer and it is thick and healthier.

Q: Did you transition or did you do the big chop?

A: I transitioned; I did not have the guts to cut my hair. I was scared I would look funny. When I transitioned I just cut my relaxed hair slowly until it was fully natural.

Q: When did you become comfortable wearing your natural hair?

A: I really became comfortable wearing my natural when it became long enough to the point I could pull it up in a messy bun. The messy bun is my favorite hairstyle because it is so effortless.

Q: What are some of your favorite natural hair products?

A: I like Auntie Jackie’s, it smells really good and I love the way it makes my hair feel. Shea Moisture is also really good, it was one of the first products I started using and it really works on my hair. I recently started using Eden Bodyworks there curl defining crème is super bomb!

Q: You have hair weave in right now, but what are some of your favorite protective hair styles?

A: I prefer my natural hair but it’s a lot to manage sometimes. I prefer wearing either hair weave or braids. I love wearing twist too; I like anything that is quick and convenient. With my hair weave I just wake up brush my hair and go!

Q: Why are protective hairstyles so important while having natural hair?

A:  Protective hairstyles are so important to me because I don’t want to damage my natural hair. I also like the versatility of wearing protective hairstyles. It is hard to manage natural hair especially in college. So for now I will just wear weave until I am ready for something new.


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